Drop us a line

If you prefer to write us a traditional letter, rather than use the new-fangled technology (email) please feel free, whatever method suits you. Here is our address:
St Benedict’s Church, St Benedict’s Mount, West Hunsbury, Northampton NN4 9UG

Come and see us

We'd love to see you. Why not pay us a visit? We are a very friendly bunch. You could come for a taste of some of the things we do: special services, groups and clubs, events and of course, our services. We'd love to meet you. Click on the icon to go to Google Maps and find out out how to get to St Ben’s.

What3Words: prop.power.comet

Give us a call

07564 605275

(Please note that this number does not support messaging or texts. You may leave a voice message or, of course, talk directly with Griff).

Or Email Us


Send us an email. Copy the above email address into your mail program.

Hall Bookings:

We have a room that can be booked for many activities; birthdays, anniversaries, social clubs etc. See our bookings Hirers' agreement for more specific details. We have a kitchen, outside play area, unisex toilets, a disabled toilet and nappy changing facilities. We have a small carpark, though additional parking can be found across the road at the country park. Please contact us at admin@stbens.uk for more information and to make a booking.

Peter 4:8-10 "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."