Church Wardens Hi I’m Keith (Dunkley), and I have just passed the church warden role over to our newly appointed church wardens, Marion and Alison. The church warden’s main role might be described as a link between our vicar and congregation members, although they themselves may wish to approach Griff directly with some matters. In addition, it is important that we are available to help with the smooth running of church services and its business. We also have an oversight of the general maintenance of our building and its contents. Every 5 years we prepare for our quinquennial building inspection when a surveyor who advises us on work that needs our attention. In addition to the above, we are responsible for the church inventory (its contents) which our Arch Deacon checks periodically - just to make sure we haven’t made off with the silverware! I am the friendly face that welcomes new (or old) members to our church. That's me, dressed up as a Roman Centurion (during one of our school visits)!
Meet our current Church Wardens - Marion and Alison, we are sure they will make you feel at home. 'Welcome to you all, we are St Ben's current churchwardens. Both of us have held the post before, including through an interregnum (vicar vacancy), Covid-19 and the appointment of a new vicar (Rev Griff). In our role we aim to support the smooth running of the church and all its activities, and of course ensure that Rev. Griff is fully supported in everything he does for our parish.’
Church Flowers Hi, I am Chris and have been worshipping at St. Benedict’s since retiring to Northampton with my husband 10 years ago. Two of my particular hobbies are gardening and flower arranging and I am co-ordinator of the small flower arranging group at St. Benedict’s. We aim to have fresh, locally sourced flowers in church throughout the year.
Church Treasurer Hello, I’m Carolyn and I am St. Ben’s treasurer. The treasurer’s role involves keeping the day to day accounting records for the Church, ensuring all income has been received and that all payments are properly authorised, and preparing management accounts for each PCC meeting. I also provide the necessary information to the person making the Gift Aid claims. At the year end I produce the annual accounts for the Independent Examiner and the APCM, and complete the online return to the Diocese.
Families and Schools Co-ordinator I’m Rowena the schools and families worker at St. Benedict’s. I help to run family church, Tots and Toddlers, Family Fun and Fellowship afternoons as well as taking school assemblies and class RE sessions. If you want to know anything that our church does with children please come and talk to me.
Meet our Safeguarding Officer: Hello, I'm Janet and I've been a member of St Benedict's since 2013. Since I retired a couple of years ago I have become more involved in the life of the church, most recently being appointed Parish Safeguarding Officer. My other church activities include Mothers Union, St Ben's bell plates group, and choosing the hymns for the Sunday services. And I'm on the cleaning rota!
Our Deanery Synod Representatives: St Benedict’s is part of the Great Northampton Deanery (formed of local Anglican churches) and we are actively involved in this group. With three reps, Richard, Norman and Onyi. At these meetings, we often share our parish's issues with neighbouring parishes in the Deanery whilst also acting for this parish when considering church or Christian issues that are beyond just a single parish's needs.
The Deanery Synod
The technical bit: In the Church of England and other Anglican churches, a deanery synod [DS] is a group of worshipping Christians convened by the Rural [Area] Dean and the Joint Lay Chair of the Deanery Synod, who is elected by the elected lay members every three years. The DS consists of all clergy licensed to a benefice within the deanery, plus parish elected lay members. The number of lay members is governed by the number of parishioners on each parish's Electoral Roll This is a roll of regularly practising worshippers which is reviewed every six years. A parish is generally allowed one Deanery Synod Representative for every forty persons on their electoral roll. The Synodical Government Measure 1969 makes the Deanery Synod a statutory body and it acts as an intermediary between the parochial church councils of each parish in its Deanery and the Synod of the Diocese, as a whole.
Isaiah 9:6
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”